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Show Notes The Accident Fallacy is committed when someone applies a general rule to a specific situation which is actually an exception to the rule. Trump We started out by discussing this clip of Trump: Then we talked about this Trump tweet: The big Unsolicited Ballot States should give it up NOW, before it is...

Show Notes The Ambiguity Fallacy is committed when someone is deliberately vague or ambiguous to make their point or avoid answering a question.   Trump We started out with this clip of Trump vaguely promising that COVID will just go away at some point: Then we talked about this tweet from Don Jr which uses...

Show Notes The Gish Gallop is a method of debating that focuses on quantity of arguments over quality, overwhelming your opponent with multiple arguments, each of which is often poorly argued or evidentially lacking. The sheer number of arguments makes a detailed, effective refutation impossible due to the research and time...

Show Notes This fallacy, sometimes called ‘Missing the Point’, is committed when someone provides evidence refuting or proving a point which is irrelevant to the issue at hand. This can often be a quite effective distraction, but as it does not address the real question, it remains fallacious. We started out with...

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