dominic cummings Tag

Show Notes The What's the Harm Fallacy occurs when someone suggests trying something be rhetorically asking what's the harm, thereby implying that there is none. Trump We started out by discussing this clip of Trump being fractally wrong about vaccines: And then we looked at this clip of Trump giving African Americans bad reasons...

Show Notes The Appeal to Loyalty Fallacy is committed when someone suggests you should believe a truth claim due to the loyalty you feel to the person making the claim, or suggests that if you don't believe something you are being disloyal. Trump We started out with this clip of Trump on the...

Show Notes The Fractal Wrongness Fallacy is committed when someone's argument is based on logic or premises so wrong that they are wrong at every level from detail to worldview. Trump We started out with this clip of Trump misunderstanding both the stock market and the National Debt in one go: We followed that...

Show Notes The Fallacy of Worse Evil is committed when someone acts like something is not a problem because worse problems exist or can be imagined. Trump We started out by talking about this clip of Trump on Coronavirus: We followed that with this clip of Trump defending Russia: And then we looked at Louie...

Show Notes The Appeal to the Law is committed when someone equates the legality of an act with its morality, i.e. saying whatever they did was fine, because there's no law against it.   Trump We started out with this clip of Trump talking about the payments his organisation made to Stormy Daniels: Then we...

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